대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전노래방 유성룸싸롱
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전노래방 유성룸싸롱
In the past, 80,000 elite members of the New Territories Calm
Army were lined up there.A chimera ridden by a magician, and
a line of golems standing tall like a fortress and looking at the
enemy lines.And, the military’s elite barrier magicians who com
pletely protected the altar from the onslaught of the Soviet Ar
my’s air force.“What on earth happened?”I groaned, stood up sh
akily, and looked around.oes not exist. There is literally nothing.
Moravian soldiers and even traces that they were there. Barely any
traces of it would be the remains of the blown-up stone golem sc
attered here and there.The storm of fire that went out of control b
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전노래방 유성룸싸롱
urned everyone down.What was the starting point? I thought I hear
d a sharp whooshing sound coming from above, but I couldn’t quit
e remember.Suddenly, a pillar of flame surrounded the entire camp
of the Jinjin army.(???Yes, exactly around there)With a blank expression,
Captain Clarissa Claudin, a barrier operator of the Moravian Magic Ar
my Protection Regiment, turned her gaze to the area where there wer
numerous craters.Her unit was deployed there just a moment ago.
At that time, a whirlwind of flames descended upon the Moravian a
rmy.It was seen that the regimental commander’s magic army colonel s
uddenly became anxious and started pouring out instructions to the m
agicians around him. Before long, the magicians who were maintaining
the barrier fainted one after another.It’s not like he was using magic no
n-stop for three days and nights. In order to always maintain the barrier
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유흥주점 대전노래방 유성룸싸롱
at its best, barrier magicians in the group who can use the battlefield are
required to take a break every three rounds.Nevertheless, the magicians w
ho clearly had enough magical power left, literally one or two companie
s of barrier magicians, fainted all at once.At the same time, cracks were a
ppearing one after another in the catalyst crystal pillars that had been ins
talled surrounding the headquarters of the Calming Army Command as th
e starting point of the barrier.The surroundings were in a state of panic, an
d the magicians who had been resting in rotation returned one by one
to build the barrier, and then fell one after another.She also went on her
mission with her subordinates ―――― and had no memory of wha
t happened before.Just before I lost consciousness, I think I heard the sou
d of glass breaking… what