【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바
【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

“What a fool! “I once blew a kiss and got it back!”-There was a lo

t of fuss and chatter.Just for your information, I never smiled at them

, never waved at them, and of course I never even blew them a kiss.

They are just delusions within the brain as they please.And soon, a s

pecial one became a part of the ships that appeared on the artificial i

sland.Until now, ships only passed by artificial islands on their way to so

mewhere, but recently, there have been an increasing number of ships t

argeting artificial islands.Because there was a barrier, they couldn’t get cl

oser than a certain distance, but they stopped the ship at a little dista

ce and held a ritual on the deck.When I checked, their identities were

revealed to be priests or fortune tellers dispatched from each country.

【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

In order to predict the future of the country, they deliberately went to

great lengths to come near this artificial island.Nowadays, there is no d

isagreement that the artificial island is called God’s Island, and religions

with me as the goddess are proliferating all over the world in each c

ountry.That is why the priests and fortune tellers of that religion delibe

rately came to the middle of the wide ocean.And they always tied up b

eautiful-looking boys and girls and threw them from the ship into the s

ea to offer them as sacrifices on an artificial island.It was quite a strange

sight, but if it was their choice, they had no choice but to accept it.

Just because I see it, I have no intention of removing the barrier, nor do

I have any intention of giving them advice.As of now, I have no intention

【VIP알바】 밤알바 노래방알바 여성알바 당일알바 바알바

of having any contact with the outside world.The fortune-tellers then swal

lowed some type of drug and danced strange dances on deck with the s

haman all night, before returning until the next morning.And when they re

turned to their own country, they reported various things to the church, sa

ying that they were “delivered by the goddess.”Of course, I didn’t give any a

dvice, but they were reporting as if they really listened to me.Something like

having to go to war with a neighboring country, digging into a certain mou

ntain to find gold bars buried there, or combining something with somethin

g to make a medicine that will give you immortality…I was amazed at how

many lies came out.