대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

During the performance practice session once a week, I trie

d to get used to the stage. Goyo Han still lacks stage expe

rience. Therefore, you need to get used to the stage quick

ly.But every time I practice for a performance, the back of

my head hurts. I look back. I knew it. Kang Seong-Hoon

was glaring at me.No, why does he do that to me?Last ti

me, he said some bullshit about getting Hangoyo back. Ev

ery time I practice for a performance, he glares at me. I wa

s worried about how much he would glare at me and whe

ther I would get a pimple on the back of my head.Well, I c

an roughly guess the reason. It seems that Kang Seong-ho

on likes Han Go-yo. Well, Hangoyo did turn out to be pret

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

ty. Just looking at her appearance, it doesn’t hurt to compa

re her to Jin So-hyang, a current idol.Still, he just glares an

d doesn’t do anything else. where is that However, someti

mes people call me a fool… That’s not wrong, it’s annoying

Because in my past life, I was a complete idiot.No, but ho

w did he know that?In any case, there is nothing stopping

you from preparing for the event. I prepared a really good

video of the heavy rain, and I recorded the rain sound myself.

Time passes quickly. April ended and May came. Slowly, a

group of people became close friends. There is not muc

h time left until the event. As the event approaches, the n

umber of classes decreases.Instead, the time is spent in a s

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 본리동룸싸롱 달서구룸싸롱 경산룸싸롱

mall performance hall. It was a good thing. Anyway, the ti

me available for stage practice has increased.”okay.”At that t

ime, for the first time, Han Go-yo’s gesture gave an OK sign.

In fact, it’s embarrassing to even call it a gesture. It’s just a

matter of raising your head while singing, lowering your hea

d, looking straight ahead, and covering your face with your

hand.But it took me a month to learn it. I can’t believe that

Han Go-yo was in such bad shape. I’m really crying.“Is this

enough?”Goyo Han asks, combing through her sweat-soak

ed hair. He nodded his head at that sight. Okay, this is eno

ugh. This is the best we can do.